Frequently Asked



  1. Where is Bequia located?

    Bequia is located 9ºN 61ºW. It is the largest of the Grenadines islands belonging to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, situated in the Southern Caribbean. The country is a part of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), a geopolitical alliance predating the European Union (EU) by 20 years. Bequia is 7 square miles and our population is approximately 5,500.

  2. What is special about Bequia culture?

    Our stories, resiliencies, languages, internal coding and willingness to engage in our creativity makes Bequia an attraction unlike most of its counterparts. With our dynamic history, we stand on the backs of creators, innovators, healers, warriors who have left a lot of knowledge for us to sink our teeth into. We dance, sing, make noise in silence and in loud ways, we praise, think, shake, make, craft, engineer, build. Our culture is inherently an expression and amalgam of our ancestors' creative manifesting and doing. We are building upon their visioning, expressions, movement and technologies.

  3. What percentage of the demographic is under 18?

    The demographic of youth under 18 is at 26%. This number is taken from the 2015 Pan American Health Organisation census.

  4. What are the biggest social concerns on the island?

    Many economic, social and gendered challenges affect Bequians given the ongoing tourism downturn, emigration and brain drain from the island, and the lack of technical and practical innovation available to youth. There are no other major industries, other than a small fishing and construction sector. This results in high levels of unemployment and poverty, and is reflected in the country’s GDP; the lowest amongst the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. 

    Youth feel unmoored and lost, a big part of that is due to the ongoing legacies of colonialism, including poverty, fracture of the family unit, violence, gender inequality and emigration. Unemployment among youth under 30 is 40%. Brain drain statistics from the IADB reveal 85% tertiary level professionals emigrate from SVG. Supportive mechanisms, extracurricular activities and other educational opportunities are lacking.

  5. What are your opening hours and what is there to see at The Hub?

    We are open Monday through Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm. The Hub has a main meeting/programming and activities room, The Hub Shop, and our Music Studio producing 100% Vincy music. The space also houses our small office, which we hope to outfit in the future to contain The Hub’s Radio Station. Our physical location is shared with other small businesses on the St. Mary’s Anglican Church’s compound, and we have access to a common yard for our programming.

  6. I want to participate in one of your programs, how do I sign up?

    Send us a quick email at or pop into our Centre. We are always able to answer your queries or schedule a meeting to know more about your interest and how you’d like to create, build and care for our communities.

  7. What currency do you accept?

    We accept the Eastern Caribbean Dollar XCD and the US Dollar USD. Note that XCD to USD is 2.7 XCD to 1 USD.

  8. What kinds of things can I purchase at your Shop?

    100% locally made artisanal items. From clothing, to souvenirs, to paintings. Handmade and one of a kind sculptures, instruments and body and hair care items that connect back to natural medicinals and herbs.

  9. Does THC accept Donations?

    We surely do, and your donation bolsters our programming, activities and directly affects the livelihood of facilitators, teachers, educators, instructions, and youth on island. Secure monthly or one-time US tax-deductible donations can be made via GlobalGiving. UK taxpayers can give in GBP and claim an extra 25% if Gift Aid eligible. Canadians can get charitable tax receipts through our partnership with Grenadines Initiative. Please write to us to know more about our global partnerships.

  10. Do we accept volunteer placements?

    We are always looking to connect with those who want to build and reinforce community spirit and the work we are doing. A plus if you have worked in child education or development, or if you have holistic and alternative pedagogical experience. We welcome creative thinkers, innovators irrespective of field, generators of generational wealth, and like minds who are interested in debunking cycles of dependencies. Feel free to let us know how you think you can assist in volunteering with our ongoing or new programming.